Elim Prayer Chapel

A place of refreshing where Jesus Christ is Lord!

A branch of Bethshan Gospel Mission & Assemblies of God, South Africa.

Exodus 15:27
And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.

Elim Prayer Chapel (EPC) is a branch of The Bethshan Gospel Missions. The Bethshan Gospel Mission falls under the umbrella of AOG South Africa.

The name “Elim" speaks of a place of refreshing and provision. For the past 43 years EPC has become a family and home to many, where people have found salvation, healing and deliverance in Christ.

EPC roots go back as far as 1976, where meetings were held in people’s homes. EPC however, officially opened on October 10th 1978, by the late Pastor Andrew and Doreen Moses under the auspices of the BGM and the Late Mr. and Mrs. Hansen . People fellowshipped at a garage in Manton Crescent which soon got too small, so the fellowship then occupied a school hall at AD Lazarus Primary.

In July 2000 after much prayer and much work by the late Pastor Andrew, Doreen and the congregation, the building was completed and EPC members moved into their own premises in Reservoir hills.

The love for Missions by the late Pastor Andrew soon became the heartbeat of the church and was fruitful together with the BGM in various mission projects such as Elim Children’s Home in India, Greytown missions project and The Elim Residential Home in Phoenix Durban. The legacy continues and the ministry baton was passed on to our current Senior Pastor Carl Matthew & Delaney Naidoo who heard the call of God and are in full time ministry for the past seven years.

Psalms 127:1
"If it is not the Lord who builds a house, the builders are wasting their time. If it is not the Lord who watches over the city, the guards are wasting their time."

Our Vision Statement
To be a loving Community Church, Passionately Pursuing God and His Purpose, reaching the lost and equipping the found to impact the world.

Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to lead people to become Disciples of Jesus Christ by providing Sound Teaching of the Word of God, opportunities for spiritual growth, worship, fellowship, and service.

Our Core Values of the church
Prayer: Cultivating a lifestyle of communication with God through prayer.
Worship: Honoring God with all of our hearts, minds, and strength.
Bible-based teaching: Anchoring our beliefs and actions in God's Word.
Discipleship: Equipping believers to become more like Jesus and fulfill their God-given purpose.
Fellowship: Building meaningful relationships with one another as the body of Christ.
Service: Using our God-given gifts and talents to serve others and make a difference in the world.
Evangelism: Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who do not know
Generosity: Living a life of generosity and generosity, both with our time and resources.
Authenticity: Being real and transparent with one another, recognizing that we all have a story and a journey.
Unity: Striving for unity in diversity, valuing and embracing the unique perspectives and contributions of each member of our community.
Welcome to Elim Prayer Chapel...Welcome Home!

We hope the information you find on this site is helpful as you learn more about our church.

Join us for our Sunday Celebration Service at 8:30a.m. Our desire for our Sunday gatherings is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ as we worship in song, prayer, fellowship, and the study of God’s word.

Our pastors and staff are here to minister to you.
Please let us know if there is any way that we can care for you and your family. If you have any questions for us or need more information about our church please contact 079 872 3343 | carlnaidoo@elimprayerchapel.co.za

Kindly fill out the below connect card: https://forms.gle/bpsGTetDKKiYzQ2M9
We look forward to meeting you. God bless you.
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Sunday Celebration Service

Sundays @ 8:30am

Kids Church

Sundays @ 8:30am

Prayer Connect

Join us weekly Wednesdays @ 7pm to 8pm for a power hour prayer connect meeting. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Life Groups - Mens and Ladies

Life Groups are small communities pursuing the Jesus Way through authentic relationships with God and one another. Life Group happens once a month so get In touch with one of Leaders to join. All Welcome!

Youth & Junior Youth Hang out

Gatherings happen once a month on a Friday at 7pm. All the Teens in our Community meet together for a night of Fun and Games, Worship and Biblical Topic's. Contact Pst Carl Naidoo or Andre Naidoo

Outreach Programs

An outreach program aims to help, uplift, and support those who are deprived of certain services and rights in our community. It involves giving, learning, social planning, health support, and other projects for their welfare. This happens once a month so speak to a leader and get involved.

Pastor Carl & Delaney Naidoo


Abel and Kemi James

Kids Church

Pastor Kevin Naidoo

Mens Fellowship

Tracy Naidoo

Ladies Fellowship

Mark Naidoo

Praise & Worship Leader

The Tech Guys (Andrei, Noah & Sachin)

Media Ministry

Annie Naidoo

Missions and Outreach

Asha Naidoo


Nolan Naidoo

Property Maintenance

India Missions

Pastor Andrew Moses' passion for the people of India began in 2005 after the Tsunami. Pastor and a group of faithful people decided to make a trip to India to help those in need and take the Gospel to areas impacted. Pastor saw the need of the people and in 2008 after much prayer, hard work and investment, Elim Children's Home was opened in the rural areas of Chennai, Vedanthangal. Over the years many children have passed through the home and the Good News of Jesus Christ has been shared with them. We are grateful for the work and pray that God will continue the work in that area.

Learn More


The Elim Residential Home is situated on the premises of Berea Church. The home is in existence for 25 years The home has served many elderly men and women in our community and from all over the country. We praise our Lord Jesus Christ for establishing this safe haven and blessing all those Whom He has helped through us! “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:15-16‬ ‭

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Community OutReach Programs

An outreach program aims to help, uplift, and support those who are deprived of certain services and rights in our community. It involves giving, learning, social planning, health support, and other projects for their welfare. This happens once a month so speak to a leader and get involved.

Learn More

If you would like prayer, please leave your request below for our prayer team.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.Luke 6:38

If you would like to tithe online or do an EFT, here are our banking details:

Account Holder : Elim Chapel
Bank : Standard Bank
Account Type : Current Account
Branch : Overport City
Branch code : 051001
Account number : 052603407

give image
  • 2 Richmond Gardens, Reservoir Hills, Durban, South Africa

We hope the information you find on our website is helpful as you learn more about our church.

Our pastors and staff are here to minister to you.
Please let us know if there is any way that we can care for you and your family. If you have any questions for us or need more information about our church please contact 079 872 3343 | carlnaidoo@elimprayerchapel.co.za

Kindly fill in the below connect card so we can stay in touch.

We look forward to meeting you. God bless!

Baptism is a demonstration of devotion and an important step of obedience on our journey. It is a public display to show that you have surrendered your life to Jesus.

“Indeed, baptism is a vow, a sacred vow of the believer to follow Christ. Just as a wedding celebrates the fusion of two hearts, baptism celebrates the union of sinner with Saviour.” – Max Lucado

Kindly fill out the below form: https://forms.gle/fB8Rw8AepsY5u2wB8 

Child Dedication is an opportunity to have your baby or child prayed for in the company of other believers. We pray for you to be an example to your children and to teach them wisdom and understanding. We also pray for God’s blessing and favour over them.

At Elim Prayer Chapel we are honoured to partner with families in their journey of faith.
If you would like to be a part of a child dedication service or find out more information, please complete your details below and we will get in touch with you.

Kindly fill out the below form: https://forms.gle/tqNYXcY1WUZRM8FfA