Exodus 15:27
And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.

Elim Prayer Chapel (EPC) is a branch of The Bethshan Gospel Missions. The Bethshan Gospel Mission falls under the umbrella of AOG South Africa.

The name “Elim" speaks of a place of refreshing and provision. For the past 43 years EPC has become a family and home to many, where people have found salvation, healing and deliverance in Christ.

EPC roots go back as far as 1976, where meetings were held in people’s homes. EPC however, officially opened on October 10th 1978, by the late Pastor Andrew and Doreen Moses under the auspices of the BGM and the Late Mr. and Mrs. Hansen . People fellowshipped at a garage in Manton Crescent which soon got too small, so the fellowship then occupied a school hall at AD Lazarus Primary.

In July 2000 after much prayer and much work by the late Pastor Andrew, Doreen and the congregation, the building was completed and EPC members moved into their own premises in Reservoir hills.

The love for Missions by the late Pastor Andrew soon became the heartbeat of the church and was fruitful together with the BGM in various mission projects such as Elim Children’s Home in India, Greytown missions project and The Elim Residential Home in Phoenix Durban. The legacy continues and the ministry baton was passed on to our current Senior Pastor Carl Matthew & Delaney Naidoo who heard the call of God and are in full time ministry for the past seven years.

Psalms 127:1
"If it is not the Lord who builds a house, the builders are wasting their time. If it is not the Lord who watches over the city, the guards are wasting their time."

Our Vision Statement
To be a loving Community Church, Passionately Pursuing God and His Purpose, reaching the lost and equipping the found to impact the world.

Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to lead people to become Disciples of Jesus Christ by providing Sound Teaching of the Word of God, opportunities for spiritual growth, worship, fellowship, and service.

Our Core Values of the church
Prayer: Cultivating a lifestyle of communication with God through prayer.
Worship: Honoring God with all of our hearts, minds, and strength.
Bible-based teaching: Anchoring our beliefs and actions in God's Word.
Discipleship: Equipping believers to become more like Jesus and fulfill their God-given purpose.
Fellowship: Building meaningful relationships with one another as the body of Christ.
Service: Using our God-given gifts and talents to serve others and make a difference in the world.
Evangelism: Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who do not know
Generosity: Living a life of generosity and generosity, both with our time and resources.
Authenticity: Being real and transparent with one another, recognizing that we all have a story and a journey.
Unity: Striving for unity in diversity, valuing and embracing the unique perspectives and contributions of each member of our community.